Our Executive Search Practice focuses on CEO and Executive Support functions within a Bank. We offer bespoke targeted searches based on us gaining valuable insight into your organisation.
Levels: Board (Chair/NED/SID), Leadership, Functional heads
Typical Functions: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, HR Director, MLRO, Head of Compliance, Chief Information Officer.
We understand with the Senior Managers Regime and the ever-changing regulatory environment within Financial Services, the need for Interim Subject Matter Experts is required to assist with the challenges that confront our clients.
Whether you require an experienced consultant or a team of specialists for a project, or simply to support the business whilst bridging a gap, we can assist. Interims will complement your existing permanent workforce whilst providing flexibility, experience and assurance to your organisation.
Whether it is delivering a specific piece of work or augmenting your existing leadership team to fill a critical gap, our Executive Interims have an unparalleled ability to hit the ground running with minimal support.
Typical functional roles: Interim Chief Risk Officer, Interim MLRO, Interim Head of Compliance, Interim CEO, Interim COO, Interim Head of HR
Interim Project disciplines: Regulatory Compliance, Anti Money Laundering, Operational Risk, Credit Risk, Section 166 Reviews, Project & Change Management.
Our team of specialist high-value researchers gives effective research support to consultants and clients ensuring decisions are fully informed and measurable commercial impact is achieved.
Services offered: Bespoke Research Services, Talent Mapping and Talent Pooling, Compensation Analysis
C-Suite/NED Specialist functional roles
Mid-management functional areas
Recent Track Record of Placements